For the last morning of our expedition, we visited Punta Pitt, occupying the easternmost point of the Galapagos Archipelago. With good footwear and a flaring appetite to explore this island, we ascended along a water ravine. At 320 feet in elevation, a fantastic sweep of the land and seascape lay beneath us. Just off the trail, we found blue-footed boobies with their chicks, while red-footed boobies and their own young occupied the nearby cliffs. There was an optional Zodiac ride upon our descent, which offered plenty of bird sightings and one more snorkeling session off the olivine beach of Punta Pitt.

Afterward, National Geographic Islander headed off toward Cerro Brujo. This beach is considered to be among the most stunning across the archipelago. We spent our final moments of our voyage on the fine powdery Cerro Brujo sand in the amiable company of sea lions. Until next time, Galapagos!