Today was the last full day of our expedition, and we spent it exploring San Cristobal Island, the capital of Galapagos. We started the day by visiting Punta Pitt, the closest point to mainland Ecuador.

We took a hike uphill to see red-footed boobies nesting on the vegetation. Some guests took a Zodiac exploration along the coast to look for more seabirds and wildlife. We saw red-footed boobies during both activities; we also saw frigatebirds and blue-footed boobies nesting along the trail and the cliffs. After this beautiful exploration, we had the chance to snorkel with sea lions in fresh, crystal-clear water.

During our afternoon navigation, we spotted dolphins riding the ship’s wake. Then we visited Cerro Brujo, one of the most beautiful white sand beaches of the Galapagos Islands. The beach is not far from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, from which we are departing tomorrow. We will take with us all the memories in our hearts.