Today we visited Punta Pitt, the nearest point to mainland Ecuador. This location is a bit warmer than the South part of San Cristobal. The landscape is beautiful and different from all the other Islands we have visited. The olivine beach was the beginning of our hike. As we climbed uphill, we observed several lava lizards that are endemic to this island; and from my perspective the most beautiful species of lizards from the Galapagos. One male was chasing a centipede, but was unable to capture it.

On the hill we observed a few pairs of red-footed boobies nesting on the tress and several blue-footed boobies incubating their eggs on the ground. We also saw a few female marine iguanas digging their nests. The marine iguanas from Punta Pit are one of the seven subspecies of marine iguanas found in the Galapagos.

In the afternoon we visited Wizard hill, a beautiful sandy beach composed of fine organic sediments was the perfect set to end our cruise. We observed oystercatchers, great blue herons, pelicans and sea lions on beach. Finally, we sailed around Kicker Rock one of the most beautiful tuff formations of the Galapagos and the sunset was amazing.