Today’s Upper Amazon exploration brought us to the San Francisco community, and we planned to meet the local people to learn more about their lifestyles.  A pre-breakfast skiff ride gave us the opportunity to explore the riverside before disembarking in San Francisco. After a comfortable dry landing, we started walking along the paths all over the community. The first surprise we had were the little kids that looked very happy with our presence there. 

After enjoying the company of the locals, we got together in order to listen about a creative project that enhances the opportunities for local people to improve their economy: Minga Peru.  We were able to learn about the positive things this project is bringing to the community. Once we finished the presentation about Minga Peru, we were able to purchase different handicrafts, a wonderful end to our morning’s exploration.

Once back on board Delfin II, we started navigating in order to reach our next destination: Clavero Lake.   The afternoon´s expedition opened up with a magical grey sky over the rainforest, but this event was not going to stop our excursion into the area.  A combination of great egrets, black-collared hawks, ringed kingfishers, and tropical kingbirds, along with impressive trees left us awed.   

The biggest of all surprises were the pygmy marmosets that were briefly seen moving along the branches of a big tree. On our way back to Delfin II, the sky was decorated with a charming combination of pink and purple colors thanks to the sunset. Our journey continues tomorrow, as we still have more adventures to experience in the magical paradise of the Upper Amazon.