The upper Amazon is a splendid combination of nature, wildlife and human history. Today, we had a superb opportunity to experience this by visiting San Francisco.  The day received us with a glorious foggy morning, giving us a different perspective of the Amazon Rainforest.  A comfortable pre-breakfast skiff ride gave us the opportunity to spot different birds species along the riverside. 

Later in the morning, we finally started our visit to San Francisco in order to learn about the anthropogenic side of the Amazon. Once we reached the village, kids of different ages came out to welcome us. We had the opportunity of getting to know about their lifestyle in the jungle, displayed in different ways as we went through the community.  We learned about river fishing, farming, and their methods of producing interesting handicrafts for visitors.  At the end of the visit, the villagers offered us an occasion to see the artisanal souvenirs that they manufacture, in order to support the tourism in the area. Once back on board Delfin II, we started our navigation to the place where the Amazon River is born: the union of the Marañón and Ucayali rivers. 

In the afternoon, our exploration took us deep into the Pacaya-Samyria Reserve.  We arrived to Clavero Lake, where we had spectacular sightings of the wildlife found in this area.  Pink river dolphins were the first surprise at the beginning of our journey into the Lake.  Further up the river, great egrets were found feeding close to the river´s edge, making it a perfect photography moment.

As we reached the farthest point of Clavero, we were surrounding by a chorus of bird sounds, along with the magical coloration of the trees and flowers produced at during this season.  Black collared hawks, yellow-headed cara cara, pygmy marmosets, chestnut-eared aracaris, s Expediotn. pink, as we head back to Delfin II in order to get ready for tomorrow at this particular season.  Black collared haand different species of king fishers were among the attractions that Clavero had to offer.

As our afternoon activities came to a close, the sky turned pink with a beautiful sunset, as we headed back to Delfin II. Our expedition continues tomorrow, and we will see what the Amazon has in store for us!