Early in the morning, we embarked our skiffs to explore Marayali river, a tributary of the Maranon River. Although the water level of Marayali was too low for our ship to go through, we had a nice morning outing traveling through a different shoreline, where we saw common potoo, squirrel monkeys, hundreds of neotropic cormorants and other species of birds.

Today we also got to experience the cultural aspect of the Peruvian Amazon. We visited the community of San Francisco. Here we could interact with the local people, a particularly with the children at school. When we visit some communities, the teachers welcome us to visit the classrooms and interact with the students. Today the young children were excited to have us visit, and they sang songs to us and we sang back for them.

The main reason for our visit was to meet with Emira Montes, the representative of Minga Peru, an organization which we support to benefit the local communities. During the meeting, we heard the testimonies of several men and women that have started fish farms and agroforestry plantations supported by Minga. It became clear that the community work that we support has an important positive impact in many ways, here in the communities along the Ucayali and the Maranon rivers.

We had a very fun afternoon activity before our skiff ride. We had the chance to go swimming in Clavero Lake. We plunged from the skiffs and enjoyed the warm surface water, that contrasts with a well-marked thermocline of cooler water on the bottom. On the way back to Delfin II,  we got ready to go back out to look for wildlife along the distant rivers that feed Clavero Lake. We saw more Black-collared hawks, parrots, grey and pink river dolphins, and the highlight, which were a couple pygmy marmosets, the smallest primates in the world.