The day started at 8 o’clock with our visit to one of the several communities that we visit every week as part of our guest enrichment experience with local people, to learn about them, but also to help their economy by purchasing the handicrafts they offer. “Minga Peru” is a non-governmental organization that gets its support from Lindblad Expeditions, which is funding some of the projects. Women are the beneficiaries, they have learned how to be self-sufficient and how to produce their own income to help their husbands, and at the same time they learn about human rights and how to avoid intrafamily violence.

Our guests enjoyed their time with the locals; they visited a very small school and a market and interchanges great experiences. After that we came back on board

After few hours of navigation, we arrived to Clavero Lake, at the entrance were many terns and herons go fishing, and several pink dolphins as well. In our skiffs we penetrate dthe jungle along creeks, and settle in to enjoy the show. We used binoculars to spot any creature that showed up, and any bright color is very distinguishable from the green emerald world of the jungle.

Red-capped cardinals were the first sighting, then night monkeys, squirrel monkeys and more varieties of birds, such as king fishers, fruit crows, tanagers. The highlight for us was to find a Hoatzin, known as the pre-historical birds, because as chicks they have two claws on each wing. Immediately on hatching, they can use these claws, and their oversized feet, to scramble around the tree branches without falling into the water. When predators such as the great black hawk attack a hoatzin nesting colony, the adults fly noisily about, trying to divert the predator's attention, while the chicks move away from the nest and hide among the thickets. If discovered, however, they drop into the water and swim under the surface to escape, then later use their clawed wings to climb back to the safety of the nest.

After having a great afternoon, we came back to our ship to admire an astonishing sunset from the open lounge. The sky was an incredible mix, with tones of red, orange and blue. “It is five o’clock somewhere” somebody said. So we celebrated with Pisco sour, toasting to another day in this remote and incredible world.