Expeditions all around the planet have the potential to be fantastic, but the Amazon is one of the best places where nature’s wonders are on display. Today’s exploration began early and the best way to begin was with a spectacular skiff ride into Marañon River.  At the beginning of the day’s exploration, our biggest surprise was spotting so many different birds found among the grassy plants found around us.  Yellow-hooded blackbirds, red-chested blackbirds, and great kiskadees were among the attractions.

Once back on board Delfin II, we enjoyed a fantastic breakfast and then prepared for the next part of the Amazon adventure. San Jorge was our next destination, and the presence of Amazon locals made it a delightful visit. During our stay in San Jorge, we had the ideal opportunity to learn and experience everyday living in the communities that are found throughout the Amazon. The most pleasant highlight was meeting with the school children that received us with native songs, and a show about the crafts native hunters have.

As soon as our visit was over, we prepared our gear ready for the next adventure of the day. Delfin II brought us to the point where the Amazon River begins as we started making our way to the Ucayali River. In the afternoon the adventure improved with a skiff ride up Yarapa Caño. At the beginning of the exploration, nature showed us some of its magic with the presence of yellow-rumped caciques that were guarding their nest in the trees. Farther upstream, a symphony of colors was on display by a scarlet macaw that was found on the top of a very old tree. At the end of our journey, we enjoyed the presence of pink dolphins that were swimming right by our skiffs. The Amazon’s marvels are awe-inspiring like none other.