The sun started to illuminate this part of the Amazon around 5:30 a.m. letting us see through out our windows a little but very special community called “San Jorge.” A place Lindblad Expeditions and MINGA Peru have been helping in the past couple of years developing different projects to improve the quality of life of the people that lives in there.

We spend part of the morning at this community sharing with the local people and knowing a bit more of how traveling with us around the world creates a real positive impact into their lives.

Mid-morning and it was already time to go back to the Delfin II and continue with our navigation down the Marañón River. A couple hours later we got to the conjunction of the Marañón and the Ucayali Rivers, giving “birth” to the almighty Amazon River. We celebrated it with the famous “pisco sour” the most famous drink in the entirety of Peru.

It was already mid-afternoon when we arrived to Clavero Lake, our destination for this afternoon. One by one our skiff left our boat loaded with very excited guests ready to keep discovering and learning next to our team of naturalists. Cormorants, hawks, egrets, kingfishers and squirrel monkeys are just a little part of the list of wildlife we were able to enjoy this afternoon before the sun sets above the jungle.