Santa Cruz, or Indefatigable, is the second largest island of the archipelago and the best place to observe giant tortoises in the wild. With its highlands covered with green vegetation and spring weather conditions, Santa Cruz showed us another face of the Galápagos.

Early in the morning we headed to the Galápagos National Park dock to visit giant tortoises in captivity. We could observe the efforts made by local people to protect and maintain the lineage of this emblematic species unique in the world. We started by visiting the smallest tortoises, which had left the incubators few months ago; next we saw the female and male corrals where we could appreciate the difference in size and the shape of their carapaces; and finally we saw the corral of “Super Diego,” the male responsible for the increase in Espanola Island’s population, from about a dozen to almost 3,000 tortoises.

After visiting the Galápagos National Park, our guests had the opportunity to visit El Trapiche, one of the oldest farms on the island. Owner Adriano Cabrera attended us, showing us the process for producing sugar and alcohol from sugarcane juice—the same processes used by his family for more than 40 years. This plantation not only produces cane but also coffee, avocado, papaya, Cuban cedar, and banana trees. Like traveling back in time, our guests enjoyed incredible moments in this rustic and unique place.

After a delicious lunch in the highlands, we headed to El Manzanillo farm with the mission of observing giant tortoises in natural conditions. Indeed we found them everywhere, along the road, climbing hills, resting inside muddy puddles, or feeding on grass. We observed males and females of different sizes and ages, roaming freely and indifferently close to us. We crossed by an incredible lagoon covered with azzola water fern, its red color contrasting with the plumage of pintails, stilts, and moorhens, which were feeding on small organisms in the area.

It was late and the temperature began to decrease a little bit more. In the air, sea and land birds flew back to their nests as though telling us the day was over but leaving us great memories of this beautiful island.