We landed on the largest town in the Galapagos, a place known as Puerto Ayora. Soon we headed to visit some of the facilities of the Galapagos National Park and learn about one of the most successful and iconic program on ecological restoration of the islands, the Giant Tortoise Rearing Center. Some species of tortoises were spotted here, such as the species form Espanola which was saved from almost extinction after an original set of 14 individuals were found left on the island.

We soon boarded buses and headed to the highlands of Santa Cruz Island to enjoy a visit to a sugar cane press to experience life in a local family and their lifestyle. We tried some of the sugar cane juice as well as the moonshine and coffee which are being produced at the farm. After this, we got back on the buses and headed to enjoy a delicious lunch at a local family owned restaurant.

After lunch we went further into the highlands to explore a natural lava tube and the natural habitat of the giant tortoises. Here everybody had the chance to interact and photograph these magnificent reptiles in the wilderness and learn about the natural history of this vegetation zone. It was a bit muddy so people had to wear a pair rubber boots for the hike along the greenery. Walking between these giant reptiles was just a breathtaking and magical experience. We were lucky to spot several of them. After this amazing experience in the afternoon, we all got back to town.

A day full of giant reptiles, a social taste of the Galapagos and a beautiful sunset well accompanied by local musicians who came on board to show us the rhythm of the Ecuadorian folklore.