Today we explored Santa Cruz Island where a colony of thousands of giant tortoises is gathered on the southwestern flank of the island. The Charles Darwin research station is based here and it provides scientific advice to the government institutions of the Islands, especially to the Galapagos National Park.

On Santa Cruz Island there is so much to see. A visit to the Charles Darwin research station is one of the goals for most visitors. Here we learn about research in different fields, and the achievements regarding restoration of endangered species, such as giant tortoises.    

At the end of our morning visit we boarded buses to explore the highlands of Santa Cruz. This place is the best for a walk among the giant tortoises. Here we saw these giant reptiles grazing and slowly walking through the grassland and forest. They live approximately 150 years and they take life slowly and relaxed.

Today there are more than 5000 giant tortoises on this island due to conservation work and captive breeding programs. Thanks to the Galapagos National Park and the Charles Darwin research station, these emblematic giants have come back successfully.

What a beautiful day we had!