We visited Santa Cruz Island today located in central Galapagos. This morning we explored the Galapagos Giant Tortoises Breeding Center called “Fausto Llerena” in honor of one of the older park rangers. We were able to see the different types of Galapagos land tortoises and also some Land iguanas in captivity. This is also a good place to observe land birds, such as Darwin finches, Galapagos mockingbirds, doves and flycatchers. Along the way we learned about the many species of endemic and native plants, like the impressive Galapagos giant prickly pear cactus. As soon as we finished our visit to the breeding center we got to see the town of Puerto Ayora and observe the way the locals live. Later on we went to the highlands where we went to a local farm that produces coffee, bananas, and sugar cane. They produce “moon shine” from the sugar cane and we got to try some along with other products they produce. Some of us deiced to bike to the sugar cane press hacienda to get a little bit of exercise.

As we left the local farm we headed to a local restaurant for lunch and in the afternoon we went to another local farm to look for wild Galapagos giant tortoises. This afternoon we found several tortoises and two tortoise couples trying to mate. This is the time of the year when tortoises are reproducing and laying eggs in the lowlands. We ended our walk in a lava tunnel and after that we returned to Puerto Ayora and then back to the National Geographic Islander where a local group of musicians entertained us as a finale to our day on Santa Cruz Island.