We are exploring the second biggest island of the seventeen that form the archipelago of Galapagos, which is located 600 nautical miles from the coast of Ecuador. This particular island was inhabited by humans approximately 90 years ago. Nowadays around 18,000 thousand people reside here, 86% of which make their income from tourism. This is the only island with a paved road, which crosses from south to north among the highlands. This road makes our visit more accessible to places like pit craters, forests of endemic plants, hills, and territories of giant Galapagos tortoises.

This is also the home of the Charles Darwin Research Station, a non-governmental organization that collects scientific data to help the Ecuadorian government make better decisions for the conservation efforts of this pristine archipelago. During our visit we explored lava tunnels, a local farm, the giant scalesia daisy tree forest, pit craters, and giant tortoises in the wild. We also explored the town to experience the daily life of the locals. What a great day full of exploration, learning, and discoveries. Once back onboard, several local handicraft makers performed for our enthusiastic guests.