Today we anchored at Espumilla Bay on Santiago Island. At 6:30 a.m., we landed on the beach and had a nice stroll along this beautiful sandy area. We were provided with plenty of opportunities to take breathtaking pictures, including a rainbow, many blue-footed boobies plunge diving, as well as sea turtle tracks that had been laying their eggs.

Later, we navigated with our Zodiacs to a rock that holds a small population of Nazca boobies and other seabirds, among those, blue-footed boobies and swallow-tailed gulls.

At around 10:30 a.m., we snorkeled along Buccaneer’s Cove. The water was clear, and we had a chance to swim inside a nice cave and observe white-tip reef sharks.

In the afternoon we landed in Puerto Egas. There we walked inland to get to the best intertidal rocky shores on the island.  We saw Galapagos fur seals resting as well as many coastal birds and marine iguanas. It was the perfect day to finish this wonderful week of discovery.