Today we explored the northwestern region of Santiago Island and followed in Charles Darwin’s footsteps. We visited areas similar in description to those he noted back in 1835 when he stepped off the H.M.S. Beagle and started documenting important observations and collecting data for nine days.  

Espumilla beach and Egas Port were the national park sites we visited today. In order for us to show our guests the marvels of Santiago, we organized nature hikes, a photo hike, kayaking and snorkeling. 

The dramatic northwestern coast of Santiago, with giant cliffs and a reddish beach full of green sea turtle nests, was the highlight of the morning.  Several blue footed boobies were spotted plunge diving and a group of friendly juvenile hawks made our morning. 

Our nature hikes were taken through a native forest of incense trees, some of which reached nearly thirty feet high.  The fauna of Santiago is very diverse, so we were able to view a wide variety of creatures all concentrated along the coast of Puerto Egas. The sea lions were especially entertaining today, putting on a show in a large group, playing and jumping in the water. 

Between the vast variety of animals and several options of activities, we were able to capture amazing photos today! The light was perfect and the animals were cooperating with us.