The adventure started early in the morning with a kayak departure to explore the shore. Other guests decided to visit the beach for an enjoyable walk through mangroves and Palo Santos, and some marine and land birds along the path. Yet others went into the deep forest and all the way up to a near hill, to enjoy a magnificent view of the nearby lagoon. Hundreds of ghost crabs accompanied us during embarkation. After all these activities we were back on board for breakfast. The other half of the morning included snorkeling with sharks and zodiac rides. Snorkeling was one of the favorites. The waters were rich in life, beautiful and colorful fishes, rays, turtles and more. The ones taking the Zodiac ride enjoyed the fantastic landscape of Buccaneer’s cove, where the ocean waves and the wind have together shaped the land into incredible forms.

After lunch, we had a landing on a black sandy beach and after wearing our shoes, we headed down a dusty path to the adjacent short line where lots of animals concentrate. One of them is the Galapagos fur sea lion, away from the sand to avoid overheating, they can be found on rocky areas. Remarkable lava arches filled with sea water surround the area and gives the look of another world. Lava lizards crossed our path as we moved along. The area is also yearly visited by many types of migratory species like; plovers, sandpipers, ruddy turnstones, whimbrels and more, which we saw and photographed. Fantastic weather was just the perfect complement for another day in paradise.