An amazing expedition day started with an early hike at Espumilla beach, Santiago Island. This is one of the few places on Santiago that still matches Charles Darwin description of his voyage to the Galapagos Archipelago in 1835. We got to see blue footed boobies and brown Pelicans diving, American Oystercatchers and Darwin finches. An alternative to the walk was a great Kayak opportunity! Then the National Geographic Islander was repositioned towards Buccaneers’ Cove, where our guests enjoyed a great snorkeling and an incredible Zodiac ride along the coast. The landscape here is spectacular and the underwater world this morning was at its best, with white-tipped reef sharks, rays, lots of colorful fish, Octopus and a red spiny lobster. The afternoon was spent at Puerto Egas, here we were delighted with the excellent weather conditions, we became explorers along the coastal area, observing and discovering the intertidal zone, filled with colorful Sally light foot crabs, several Galapagos sea lions and Galapagos fur seals. Today it was a great day, full of experiences and memories. Tomorrow the adventure continues!