This morning we awoke off a lovely mile long beach called Espumilla. We had three pre-breakfast options to choose from: kayaking, a climbing hike, or a beach walk. All three groups of guests had amazing outings and returned for a well-earned breakfast. Afterwards we had some down time so our meal could settle, and then went out for either Zodiac cruises along the coast or deep water snorkeling in Buccaneer Cove. Highlights for the snorkelers were somewhat warmer waters, a beautiful underwater cave, 3 playful sea lions, and many species of fish.

In the afternoon we had photo talks, a presentation on Charles Darwin, and then a fabulous visit to Puerto Egas in South James Bay, Santiago. We disembarked on a black sand beach and hiked on a loop trail that skits the rough lava shore and then circles inland on a dusty path. The wild life was amazing! We saw the bright Sally light foot crabs, marine iguanas, seabirds, land birds, and both fur seals and sea lions. We were delighted to find and photograph once again many sea lion pups, nursing or waiting for the return of their mothers from their feeding at sea. We came back to the ship at sunset with smiles on all our faces.

In the evening I shared photos and stories from my experience camping on Volcan Alcedo and researching the interactions between the endemic giant tortoises and introduced burros. We wrapped up the night with a deck barbecue and star gazing. Yet another fantastic day in the Islas Encantadas!