We started with a pre breakfast walk along the coast of Santiago Island, after having a wet landing at Espumilla beach.  While some of us went kayaking, others went on a nature hike as well as a photography hike.  What an incredible way to start out day on Santiago.  

After breakfast we went snorkeling along the coast of Santiago and encountered a few of the Galapagos sea lions (some played with us) as well as a large variety of fish, and a couple of white tipped reef sharks. Some of us had the opportunity to go on a Zodiac ride instead of snorkeling.

After lunch we repositioned our ship to Egas Port and as we navigated we had a very detailed talk on the oceanography of the Galapagos Islands. Soon after out talk we got ready to have a dry landing at  a black sandy beach at Egas Port.  Along the coast here we found several colonies of Galapagos sea lions, plenty of migratory shore birds, and a small colony of Galapagos fur seals.

As we returned to the ship we had some incredible light for photography and had the opportunity to photograph marine iguanas and sea lion pups in the golden light of the afternoon.

What an incredible way to end the day, with a barbecue night on the top deck of the National Geographic Islander.