This morning we enjoyed early outings, from Kayaking to a long walk and a photography walk at the visitor site known as “Espumilla beach”. I was fortunate to lead the long walk option. It is nice to go out early and enjoy the good weather conditions. It is marvelous to follow Charles Darwin steps; he was exploring Santiago Island for 9 days! The landscape here is fascinating, the vegetation is all in green color and it shows how fast everything can change in the Galapagos Archipelago during rainy season. We observed Darwin finches, Galapagos mockingbirds, and Galapagos doves. After breakfast, the National Geographic Islander was repositioned towards Buccaneers’ Cove, a great place for snorkeling. We saw large school of colorful fish, Mobula rays, white-tipped reef sharks and playful sea lions! The afternoon was spent at Puerto Egas, a wonderful coastal exploration, where we observed herons, many Sally light foot crabs, Galapagos marine iguanas and Galapagos fur seals!