We spent the day exploring the terrestrial and marine environments of one of the largest islands in the Galapagos Archipelago, Santiago. Our first excursion was a pre-breakfast walk at Espumilla Beach, where guests viewed dozens of Green sea turtle nests lining the edge of a mangrove forest. There were many active terrestrial birds hoping along the path and flying from tree to tree, including médium ground finches and mockingbirds. 

Our next stop on Santiago was Bucaneer´s Cove, where guests had the chance to paddleboard, kayak, and snorkel. Marine life was bustling. We swam with large schools of Pacific creole fish and several Galapagos sea lions. We even spotted a white-tipped reef shark resting under a rock on the seafloor. After lunch, our young explorers designed and constructed their own fish using lots of fun materials and presented them to everyone, explaining their unique ecology and morphology. 

We finished the day with a hike at Puerto Egas, where guests observed Galapagos fur seals swimming in lava tunnels and grottos and diving blue-footed boobies. Guests had the opportunity to take a refreshing swim at the beach just before sunset.