We enjoyed an early outing at Espumilla beach. A beautiful beach formed by the erosion of the tuff cones is an ideal place for ghost crabs, mangroves, Darwin finches and Galapagos mockingbirds. This was the last opportunity for kayaking, and a great photo walk with photo instructor Socrates Tomala. After breakfast, National Geographic Islander was repositioned towards Buccaneer’s Cove; this place was used by pirates and whalers as a dependable site to find water and food. Nowadays it is an excellent snorkeling area, with clear waters and large schools of colorful fish. The afternoon was spent at Puerto Egas, where we explored the intertidal zone, which was abuzz with activity; plenty of colorful Sally Lightfoot crabs were seen as well as Galapagos marine iguanas, Galapagos sea lions, and many coastal birds. Another great day, filled up with adventures and unforgettable experiences!