Visiting Santiago Island in the early morning, we landed at Espumilla Beach. We were greeted by pristine sands and crystal-clear waters. The beach is surrounded by mangroves and lush vegetation, creating a picturesque setting. Wildlife thrives here, with sea turtles nesting along the shores and a variety of bird species soaring overhead. This morning we had light rain and a beautiful double rainbow.

After breakfast we moved to Buccaneer’s Cove. Steeped in history, this cove was a popular hideout for pirates in the past. We explored the area with kayaks, a glass-bottom boat, and snorkeling gear. We encountered intriguing caves and impressive rock formations that stand as testaments to the island’s volcanic origins. The rugged beauty of this large bay, combined with its historical significance, offers a unique experience for adventure seekers and history enthusiasts alike.

Following a delicious international lunch onboard, we made our way to Puerto Egas. Its volcanic shores are a striking contrast of black lava rocks and pristine tide pools. The area is teeming with fascinating wildlife, including Galapagos fur seals and marine iguanas basking in the sun.

Along the shore we experienced scenic hiking trails that took us through the island’s captivating landscape, providing breathtaking vistas and encounters with unique flora and fauna. Once known as James Island, Santiago remains a sanctuary where conservation efforts are diligently upheld. Our day ended with a relaxing time on the black-sand beach, followed onboard by a tasty BBQ and recaps of the day, including one by our Global Explorers.