Our last full day in the Galapagos and it was extraordinary. We experienced fun aquatic activities like kayaking and paddle boarding. Then we had lunch, repositioned at Puerto Egas, and had an exciting disembarkation onto a black sandy beach. We saw very colorful land iguanas (even a rare juvenile!), the long-awaited Galapagos fur seal, marine iguanas, and even more impressive, an American oyster catcher adult with its chick and a baby hatching from its egg.

Our shoreline was powerful, to say the least, as the high tide was coming in with full moon assistance. What a way to say good-bye as the sun sets with a farewell rainbow.

We are now one with nature and not ready to come back to reality; we are so happy that the Galapagos experience stays in our hearts for a lifetime.

Hasta Pronto Amigos!