Today is a change of pace from our last several days in the beautiful Greek isles as we make our way into Albania. The country has been under communist rule for the last 50 years, which has left deep marks on both the people and the culture. As we approach the port and get our first glimpse of the landscape and the architecture, it is immediately obvious that we have shifted gears from our last few days in carefree Greece into a country that has largely been impacted by the communist regime.

We start our day by docking at the southern port of Sarande. The buses meet us upon arrival to drive us to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Butrint, a beautiful archaeological site that tells the amazing story of Albania’s history. Butrint dates back through generations spanning from the Romans, Byzantines, Venetians, and Ottoman Turks. The site is remarkably well preserved, and our local guides do an excellent job of explaining the ancient history of Albania as we stroll through the theater, baths, baptistery, and Byzantine basilica.

After leaving Butrint, we drive to the Ottoman Castle of Lekuris, perched on top of Sarande harbor and overlooking the majestic Sea Cloud in the port and surrounded by the picturesque local architecture. We enjoy snacks and drinks, and the owner of the restaurant serenades us with beautiful music on an Albanian brass instrument that resembles a flute.

Once back on Sea Cloud, we enjoy a delicious lunch and make our way north about 20 miles to Ali Pasha’s abandoned castle that is very well maintained to this day. We launch Zodiacs to shuttle people to shore and enjoy the afternoon exploring this amazing site. The evening light is absolutely beautiful and provides picture perfect views of the Sea Cloud anchored in the bay.

With the sun low in the sky, we take the Zodiacs back to the ship and begin cruising north towards tomorrow’s destination of Durres. It’s been an absolutely amazing day here on Sea Cloud and we’ve very much enjoyed our first day here in Albania.