Here at the end of our journey, our thoughts begin to reach back in an attempt to summarize all that has happened while aboard. In its way, this can be difficult. We have covered many miles and seen nearly all of the iconic species that the Arctic can offer its visitors, including more than a dozen polar bears, with behavioral displays not yet seen even by our Arctic veterans. What the ice and the skill of our Captain have allowed is a voyage that is impossible to recreate. Steering into the uncharted waters of fjords previously choked with ice, creating adventurous encounters, stunning hikes through the landscape, and new and fantastical archaeological finds.  

Still north of the Arctic Circle, our landing this morning at Sarfanguit provided another opportunity for our guests to explore all that the western edge of Greenland has to offer. Some took to Zodiacs to cruise the edge of the fjords in search of wildlife and the geologic lessons that the rock face can provide. But, of course, the undersea team went out for the final dive of the trip in search of what lay below the waterline, and as always the nutrient rich waters of these higher latitudes provided a number of encounters.