After some un-forecast wind, we needed to relocate our morning snorkel and look for more sheltered waters. Following a short reconnaissance trip, a suitable site was found that was well protected. We boarded the Zodiacs and made land on a quiet beach fringed with a coral reef. As the Zodiacs were coming into land, we saw an entire roost of fruit bats circle above us.

Once in the water, we were rewarded with some fantastic coral coverage and great marine life. Small nudibranchs could also be spotted in the rubble near shore. Once we finished our morning swim and beach comb, we returned to National Geographic Orion.

With only an hour interval, we were back into the Zodiacs bound for our next location, the community village of Sambawa. There was a very warm welcome as the locals greeted us with music, dance, and many smiling kids. The festivities continued as they paraded us through the town towards a main seating arena. From here we enjoyed several more dances and theatrical performances. There was also the opportunity to sample some of the local snacks and cuisines. Once the main acts were finished, a traditional pole ascent was undertaken by the local kids.