The sea state began to moderate early in the day and improved with each passing hour as we made good time across the often-tumultuous Scotia Sea. The near-constant presence of wandering albatross, soaring alongside the ship, added to the relaxed feeling of our passage.  These magnificent birds call this ocean home and make landfall only to breed. With wingspans reaching more than 3.5 meters, wandering albatross have the longest wingspans in the world.

Days at sea are a wonderful way to get one in the proper mindset for what’s to come, while also allowing experiences of the day prior to simmer and take hold. There were also presentations to enjoy: “Penguins and Other Birds of South Georgia” by naturalist Doug Gualtieri; “A Grand Tour of the Universe” by astrophysicist and guest lecturer David Helfand; and “Shackleton’s Epic Voyage” by naturalist and historian Eduardo Shaw.

Finally, in preparation for our arrival in South Georgia, we had a mandatory briefing and biosecurity decontamination session. This session was the most important part of our day. We went over guidelines for shore activities regarding the wildlife, for our safety and that of the animals, as well as to ensure that we don’t bring any possible contaminants, foreign seeds, or organic matter to this pristine and fragile ecosystem.