Today the National Geographic Endeavour II positioned at the center of the archipelago, where we had the opportunity to visit two great visitor sites. We started our journey visiting Seymour Island, where we saw land iguanas for the first time, and as well as several kinds of sea birds like swallow-tailed gulls, frigatebirds, blue-footed boobies and also many kinds of finches. The amount of wildlife to be seen, and their fearlessness towards humans, is truly incredible to experience.

After our morning hike, the temperature of the day was increasing, so our guests welcomed the opportunity to cool off in the crisp blue ocean.  It was a wonderful outing, we swam and snorkeled with white-tipped sharks, giant stingrays, and many colorful fishes. To end the day, we went for a nice sunset walk along Rabida Red Sandy Beach, taking advantage of the great evening lighting to practice photography. Our expedition is off to a fantastic start, and we still have so much to see over the next week, as we explore this magical archipelago.