This morning, we woke up early to an announcement from our Expedition Leader Bud to wrap up warmly and come out onto the deck. We were greeted with amazing views of a polar bear walking across an ice floe as we sailed towards Smith Sound. We decided to investigate a little inlet call Boger Bay on the north side of Smith Sound with the intention of cruising through some ice to look at the impressive glaciers making their way down from Ellesmere Island. Little did we know that we were in for a wildlife bonanza!

On arrival, we sighted a polar bear walking along the tundra between the two main glaciers. Below the foot of one of the glaciers, we saw dozens of beluga whales swimming. After lunch, we jumped into the Zodiacs for a tour around the bay, where we got to see the polar bear and the beluga whales a little closer. We also enjoyed incredible sightings of a pure white Arctic fox, bearded seals, a ringed seal, and many beautiful ivory gulls.

What a day for Arctic wildlife!