In the morning, we browsed through the Smøla Island surroundings under exquisite weather. Three different groups explored the fishing villages and windmill farms.

For the visitors of the Brattvær village, another rendezvous with Norwegian waffles was offered after the visit to the different fishermens houses. The rest of the walkers enjoyed the scenery of the unique strandflat landscape and admired an impressive sea eagle who was nearby for several hours. After we stretched our legs, we were welcomed back on board with an amazing barbecue lunch offered by the hotel team under the Norwegian sun on deck 8.

The afternoon was busy, starting with a presentation by Captain Heidi Norling while we sailed in a perfectly calm sea, characteristic of National Geographic Resolution which is part of what makes it such an incredible ship. Afterwards, the naturalist team organized a talk in the ice lounge entitled “Talking Climate Change: Myths, Hopes, Actions” where guests and naturalists could exchange information about climate change. This was followed by the daily recap.

After another much-appreciated dinner, the crew offered a  fun evening with the “National Geographic Resolution Crew Show” where everyone had a chance to put on their dancing shoes.

Photos by Kerstin Langenberger and Caroline Sanchez