Our rainy week turned a corner with a glorious sunrise that welcomed the day on the Snake River. Not without the presence of the ubiquitous clouds looming overhead, signature of the western United States arid landscapes. The inhabitants of the veritable National Geographic Sea Bird relaxed and enjoyed some deck time cruising, gift shopping in the Global Market, and passing the morning away, before going through the Lower Monumental Dam. Some lucky participants signed up and found a ticketed ride aboard our expedition landing craft to view the lock and dam crossing up close and personal. The transit was a smooth and memorable experience as we all exited and continued down the river. Continuing the ease and jovial quality of the time on board, naturalist, Lee Moll and historian, Junius Rochester, gave a delightful talk on the plants and animals of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

The commencement of the afternoon got underway with a bus ride to the Palouse Falls or an expedition landing craft ride up the Palouse River to take in the sights. We saw many plants and birds, notably, too much sagebrush and raptors. The afternoon gave way into the slow leisurely pace of cocktail hour and the presentation of the impressive video chronicle.

What a delicious bite of a day to be digested for years to come!