There is no better way to wake up in Antarctica than by watching a colony of emperor penguins to start the morning. Most of us headed to the bridge to find our fuzzy friends "tobogganing" across the sea ice and heading to their colony, where hundreds of emperors congregated.

We were surrounded by ice the entire day, and our operations allowed us to get deep within the landscape. Kayakers and Zodiac cruisers alike were able to explore the icy waters as the sun slowly burned off the low clouds. Our hotel department welcomed us back to the ship with a barbecue. Many guests chose to eat outside with incredible views from the upper decks of National Geographic Resolution.

Our afternoon consisted of walks on the sea ice, rewarding hikers with up-close views of the icebergs suspended in said sea ice. Our captain enjoyed showing off the ship’s superior build by breaking through ice that blocked our way as we sailed to our next destination. The penguin scientists on board took advantage of the slow ice cruising by sending out their drone.