As soon as we awoke, we observed the mesmerizing landscape of Sombrero Chino. This is a very small islet with a central non-active volcano, perfect for early morning pictures and the beginning of our adventures. Kayakers, with the company of playful Galapagos sea lions, enjoyed a smooth and relaxed time in a channel formed between Sombrero Chino and Santiago Island. Afterwards, the blue waters of this canal gave us a chance for wonderful snorkeling, with the company of colorful fish, white-tipped reef sharks, and the unique Galapagos penguins.

In the afternoon, National Geographic Islander II took us to the most impressive volcanic formation of the islands, Sullivan Bay, at Santiago Island. We explored lava flows of only 120 years-old, with a few interesting pioneer plants in charge of breaking down the lava and forming soil for new plants to grow. Walking through this fantastic lava field made us realize how life starts in new and isolated places like the Galapagos Islands.