The first surprise of the day came as soon as we opened our eyes. The entire ship was covered in a blanket of snow, and King Edward Cove had adorned itself in a beautiful winter scene. The weather remained unstable, shifting from snow to rain, wind, hail, and back to snow...but it didn't matter! Today was an important day, morale was high, and we had a mission to fulfill. These are the days when we follow in Shackleton's footsteps. First, we headed to the cemetery to pay our respects to ‘the Boss,’ while the staff historians offered us a passionate guided tour. Shortly after, we navigated Zodiacs through the slushy bay. We spent the rest of the morning at the old whaling station. We visited the museum, sent postcards from the post office, and carefully avoided seals on our way to the church.

Over the last four days, we've had a fantastic time exploring the best and most diverse scenes of South Georgia. We are now setting course towards the remote South Orkneys archipelago, a surprise that was warmly welcomed by everyone. But before that, the captain took us to explore the scenic Drygalski Fjord at the southeast extremity of the island. The narrow channel is surrounded by dramatic ice peaks and tidewater glaciers. And just as we entered the fjord, the fog lifted and gave way to a sunset light that delighted every photographer on board. With this epic farewell, we said goodbye to an island that will remain forever in our retinas and our memories.