This small island just off Santa Cruz offers the visitor a picturesque setting combined with a large presence of wildlife.  As soon as we set foot on the island we are welcomed by sea lions of all ages and sizes.

Almost the entire island is covered by portulaca and prickly pears, both impressive in size and color. Here land iguanas live together with marine iguanas for they cannot have separate environments, so as a result they often crossbreed producing hybrids.  Along the cliffs many different species of sea birds can be seen flying to get fish while others just rest or nest on the rocks.

A small part of the island has been chosen by a group of male sea lions to form a bachelor’s club where they can rest in preparation for future combats with other males to obtain territory with females.  After visiting this island we are ready to go to our next destination the island of Santa Fe.

In the afternoon we get ready to go snorkeling in the bay of Santa Fe with beautiful colored water and amazing wildlife. Large schools of fish, sharks, rays and turtles can be seen here almost all year round.  For others, kayaking along the cliffs is a good option for some exercise and wild life encounters. Either way, we experienced the best of Santa Fe.

To end the day we are ready to go out again, this time to hike on the island to look for the Santa Fe land iguana and other forms of wildlife like snakes, rice rats, lizards, land birds, sea birds, local flora and more.  We just never stop finding wildlife!   It is plentiful here as it is in throughout the archipelago.

Another fantastic day is finished and we look forward to the next.