We started the day early with a visit to small South Plaza Island, where a multitude of wildlife sighting opportunities are presented. As soon as we landed our Zodiacs, we were delighted with sea lions who greeted us at the shoreline. Progressively the trail presented us with more amazing encounters, as land iguanas came out to show us their big smiles and to display their feeding habits. Soon we reached a point where we could see the ocean meeting the sky, where we witnessed a flurry of activity from flying birds and feeding fish just at the surface.

After our exciting morning, we returned aboard for breakfast and later for some swimming off the ship, which was very refreshing as the sun became quite hot.

Soon we were underway, crossing miles of ocean to reach the island of Santa Fé, where more action comes along. Some of our guests went for a round of kayaking along the coastline, where the landscape is phenomenal and the company of wildlife is even better. Others went snorkeling, where fish of all kinds were seen, as well as turtles and rays.

Later we landed on a white sand beach to enjoy the wonders of this location, with its own type of iguana, and sea lions by the hundreds lying on the beach. It is only here in the paradise of Galapagos that we can experience this kind of wildlife up close.