Today was a spectacular day in the Galapagos Islands; nature let us see all its wonders. Starting in the morning, we landed at South Plaza Islet for a walk. This small place is the home of the Galapagos yellow land iguana. Today we not only saw this species, but we observed them eating prickly pear cactus, and witnessed two big males engaging in a fight that could easily have lasted for hours. We also saw many swallow-tailed gulls, including one with a baby that had just hatched. What an incredible moment!

In the afternoon we enjoyed snorkeling with sea lions. They can be very playful, and this was definitely one of the highlights for our guests. Later in the afternoon, we walked along the landing beach, which has a large colony of sea lions of all ages. As we continued our walk, we observed the dry forest of palo santo and opuntias that are the home for the pale land iguana.

We returned to National Geographic Islander II, to enjoy a colorful sunset in the company of a glass of wine.