The National Geographic Islander dropped anchor close to South Plaza Island. We disembarked before breakfast in a sunny beautiful day. This island holds a large population of Galapagos sea lions and sea birds as well who choose this place as its nesting area. Swallow tailed gulls were along the trail as well as many land iguanas. The landscape is very colorful and picturesque, due to the “sesuvium” plants, which range from green-yellow to orange-red. The island has an amazing cliff, where some birds flight very close to the ground. Once went back on board we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast and later after a rest, a refreshing pacific ocean and several guests were brave enough to jump off the ship. It was a lot of fun! In the afternoon, we visited the Island of Santa Fe, where we went kayaking inside of the protected bay. Late in the afternoon we disembarked at the beach, where many sea lions were resting at and a walk led us to the inland part of the island, where the unique Santa Fe land iguana lives.

At the end of the day, we enjoyed a spectacular sunset.