As the sun rose, we crossed the bar into Tracy Arm in Fords Terror Wilderness Area. The steep walls and endless waterfalls made for a dramatic scene as we motored toward our destination. We split into two groups, loaded into Zodiacs, and made off for South Sawyer Glacier. We passed by icebergs of all shapes and sizes, and were spied on by curious harbor seals. The face of the glacier was dynamic and thunderous. We were all astounded by powerful calving events, which sent waves our way and put smiles on our faces. And of course, a surprise visit from the cocoa boat was the cherry on top of an awesome visit to South Sawyer Glacier.

In the afternoon, we loaded into kayaks and paddled throughout the fjord. We watched pigeon guillemots, marbled murrelets, and harbor seals swim through the milky glacier meltwater. We floated by rushing waterfall after rushing waterfall. The sun poked its head out and we were surprised by the warmth we felt as we paddled next to icebergs. It was an amazing first day of exploring on our journey, and we are all excited about what the rest of the week has in store.