We began our expedition through the rugged landscape of Alaska’s Inside Passage in typical fashion: shrouded in fog and surrounded by wilderness. From our embarkation point in Sitka, we sailed through the narrow Peril Strait to Chatham Strait, a common feeding area for humpback whales during the summer months.

Despite the low visibility, guests got an up-close encounter with an adult humpback whale as it cruised along in search of the herring and krill that make up its diet. Later in the day, the fog lifted and revealed the densely covered mountainsides of Tongass National Forest. In order to get a closer look, we set anchor in Hanus Bay and went ashore to explore the forest through guided hikes, kayaks, and expedition landing craft cruises. Sitka spruce, western hemlock, and other temperate rain forest species towered overhead as guests walked along salmon streams and spotted a brown bear from kayaks. The combination of ocean and terrestrial life spotted on our first day highlighted the diversity of Alaskan wilderness and provided a perfect introduction to the adventures we’ll have over the next five days.