This morning, we woke up to calm conditions and a fantastic sunrise that raked over the cedar, spruce, and hemlock forests. There was no wind and zero clouds, a truly spectacular morning to explore on our first day of this expedition here in Boca de Quadra in Misty Fjords National Monument.

We explored the Marten Arm and Mink Bay before finding anchorage near Kite Rock. We then explored Vixen Bay by Zodiac. We found harbor seals, bald eagles, marbled murrelets, mergansers, Stellar jays, ravens, common loons, and greater yellowlegs, amongst many other wonderful creatures. Along the shoreline, we observed a fascinating array of intertidal organisms, ranging from sea stars and barnacles to mussels and rockweed.

What made this day particularly special for me as an Expedition Leader as well as for Captain Éamon Kennedy is that after consulting the OLEX, we learned that no other expedition ship like ours has recently sailed into Boca de Quadra. It was a rewarding day spent in this vast wilderness, excitement building as we approached each unknown bend. A day like this helps fuel our exploration spirit. It is a refreshing reminder of the all-important sense of wonder, which further solidifies our appreciation of wild places.