Another stunning morning greeted us on board National Geographic Endurance as we arrived to Kapp Lee for our expedition. The highlight of the morning was visiting a beach where walruses haul out in large numbers. Today, they were definitely soaking up the sun just like we were on land. We wandered around the shore, taking in the magnificent views and breathing in the fresh Arctic air. Luckily for us, the walruses were downwind, so the air was crisp and fresh!

We had up-close views of a reindeer feeding on some lichens. It was really interesting to see some of the old hunting huts just above the beach where the walruses were gathered. Bones from when the hunting of these magnificent animals was allowed in Svalbard were littered around the site.

After lunchtime, some of us had our first opportunity to jump into our little yellow kayaks, whilst some of us headed off on Zodiac tours to explore and search for more glimpses of Svalbard’s special wildlife.

Today was yet another wonderful expedition day here in Svalbard. Now we head south towards Bear Island as we make our way to mainland Norway. Let the adventures continue!