Early in the morning, a group of adventurers headed out to kayak in the calm black waters of Supay Caño. This was just the beginning of a series of activities, both in the forest and onboard our lovely ship, the Delfin II.

After breakfast, we all went out on the skiffs to explore the creek, and we were rewarded by not only the landscape, but a great deal of wildlife was also found, hidden in the dense vegetation of the area.

Lots of new colorful birds, such as masked-crimson tanagers, red-capped cardinals, plum-throated cotinga and scarlet-crowned barbets were sighted along the river bank. As we continue our delightful ride, we stop at the base of a group of threes with a specific characteristic: they all produced a special sap that a certain little monkey likes. Sure enough, a small little head started to pick through the branches and we then all saw him! The pigmy marmoset is among the smallest primates in the world, and certainly one of the smallest in this region. We spent some time observing his behavior, and also making sure that everyone had a good look at it.

Saying goodbye to the monkey, we continued our ride up the creek to enjoy a hidden lagoon with great landscape in its surroundings.

Too bad we had to leave such a lovely spot, but more adventures awaited us for sure! Our afternoon ship’s navigation was very lovely, and the sun continued to shine all the way to Dorado River. It was here that we explored the area both with great light and also by night! Our plan was to return to the ship after the sun had set, and armed with flashlights, the naturalists would search in the swamped areas for black and spectacled caimans. We were successful, of course, and we ended up with great views of the caimans, which calmly remained between the floating vegetation as we were observing them.

Not a bad day in our little Amazonian paradise!