Today we had several unforgettable experiences! We started our daily expedition with a skiff ride where we spotted several species of birds that are unique to this region, as well as some migratory species such as the barn swallow, small birds that are escaping from the cold winter in the northern hemisphere. After breakfast, we visited San Francisco Community, a lovely river village where locals welcomed us at the shore when we arrived. We had the privilege of learning about the local artisans and the important work that Minga Peru, a local NGO, is doing for the benefit of the community.

After lunch, we had a presentation on board about fruits of the region, with the opportunity to taste a variety of colorful and delicious exotic fruits. The last outing of the day took us to Clavero Lake. At this time of the year, the river level is high, allowing us to explore further and to complete a whole loop along the stream that surrounds the lake. On our way back to the ship, the level of the water was so high that we could not pass by a small bridge that connected one of the communities, so we had to ask for help from the locals. Kids were so happy to help us to pass under the bridge by adding some extra weight on our skiffs! It was an adventure that everyone enjoyed a lot and connected us in a much deeper way with this place. The generosity and authenticity of the local people is really inspiring and made us feel very grateful. We ended our day with a wonderful dinner and Peruvian music played by the crew. Exhausted after a fantastic day, we went to sleep to rest up for another day of adventure tomorrow.