Our big day included busy expedition programs in both the morning and afternoon!

We re-crossed the Antarctic Circle at around 9:00 pm last night, this time heading back north. Soft snow fell throughout the bright Antarctic night, continuing through the early part of the morning.

This morning, we sailed into Holtedahl Bay, latitude 66°S. Our expedition leader crafted our morning program, taking into account the incredibly calm forecast – for our first kayaking operation!

The planning paid off, and we enjoyed an exquisite morning paddle with patches of mirrorlike water between the many icebergs. We paddled as close as we dared to the steep blue glacier front.

As we dined back on board, the ship repositioned northward to Prospect Point for our afternoon activities. We split into groups, with half landing at the old research base at the point for a hike up to a viewpoint, while the other half went on a Zodiac cruise to the nearby Fish Island group. Then we switched, so everyone was able to enjoy both activities. This was not only our first landing of the voyage but a landing on the mainland continent!

We barely made it back on board in time for cocktail hour, recap, and a briefing, where our undersea team presented us with a video presentation of the many colorful creatures they encountered on yesterday’s dive under the ice. They make sure that we are all able to appreciate every dimension of this amazing Antarctic journey.