This morning National Geographic Explorer anchored in Loch Roag, a sea loch on the west coast of Lewis. A breezy and slightly damp morning, guests were introduced to the Scottish word ‘driech’. Once ashore there was a short walk up to the 5,000-year-old stone circle.

Some guests chose to join a slightly longer hike to the sites of Callanish II and III, before returning to the main site. We took many photographs and traded theories about the purpose of such an iconic ensemble, then we returned to the ship to dry off!

This afternoon was at sea, and we had two presentations, one by Josh Peck, who explained the connections Scotland had with colonialism, slavery, and the sugar trade, and the other by Simone Edgar Holmes who busted myths about the Vikings!

Our day was rounded off by fantastic views of Sule Skerry before we gathered in the bar for evening recap.