The morning air was crisp and fresh as the National Geographic Sea Bird sailed through the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. Several of us chose to come out of our yoga poses during our morning class to take in the dramatic walls off the port side of the ship. These walls were made from basalt flows that originated in eastern Oregon and Washington and flowed all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Next we came upon the scenic waterfalls named Horsetail and Multnomah Falls.

We continued on and transited the new lock at Bonneville Dam. The original lock was built during the Great Depression to put people back to work. It was dedicated by Franklin Delaware Roosevelt in 1932. The dam provides power for a half-million homes in the Pacific Northwest.

We went by motor coach to the base of Multnomah Falls. This spectacular cascade drops 620 feet and is the fifth highest falls in the United States. Many photos were taken and several hiked the strenuous trail to the top! On the return trip, we passed Beacon Rock. This monolith was spotted by Lewis and Clark in 1805 as they navigated by it in their 1500-pound dugout canoes. We also spotted several osprey nests on top of pilings on the edge of the river.

After a delicious lunch we visited Rasmussen Farms. The farmers in this area have gotten together and agreed to use natural pest control, making this a unique micro-agricultural area. We sampled delicious pears, apples, and huckleberry preserves. The surrounding fields were covered with bright orange pumpkins ready for the Halloween harvest. We had a clear view of the two snow covered volcanoes, Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood.

To round out our day we had the choice of visiting the Cathedral Ridge Winery or taking the coach into downtown Hood River. Hood River is a small attractive town and many adventurous people come here for the strong winds that blow through the gorge, making it an excellent spot for wind and kite surfing. It sure seemed like the middle of the summer as we enjoyed bright sunshine and 88° F temperatures.

We were all grateful for such a fun and full day and all that we learned and experienced.