The National Geographic Sea Lion docked this morning in The Dalles.  Early morning activities included a visit to Rowena Crest.  As guests ventured up the Historic River Highway, the first scenic highway in the United States, naturalist described plant life along the way, and the purpose of the design of the road.  All were left to their imaginations, as they pictured themselves winding up this narrow picturesque highway in an old automobile, following the graceful curves until they reached the final destination.  At the top, Rowena Crest, guests enjoyed a view that overlooked the Columbia River below.

Visiting the Gorge Discovery Center, there was a raptor presentation, and it was focused on the specific birdlife in the area.  Just before a lovely barbeque lunch served on the top deck, guests were able to explore the Discovery Center lead by a naturalist, a photo walk, and also follow a beautiful path along the Colombia River by foot or by bike.

The afternoon excursion consisted of visiting the Maryhill Museum, created by Sam Hill.  The museum consisted of Native American art work including baskets, and clothing, Rodin Pieces, a large collection of chess sets, and haute fashion couture.

The evening rapped up with a visit to the Maryhill Winery, and guests enjoyed an educational wine tasting. The guests were able to learn about the various wines from The Dalles area.